B&M Publishing
International Publishing Group
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International Conference
Pedagogical and psychological problems of the modern society
June 15, 2019
San Francisco, California, USA
15 June
15 June 2019
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Completed Conference
Pedagogical and psychological problems of the modern society: scientific approaches to the study and overcoming practices. 2nd edition: research articles, B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California. 2015. 104 pp.
PPedagogical and psychological problems of the modern society: scientific approaches to the study and overcoming practices: research articles, B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California. 2014. 116 pp.
Intellectual and moral values of the modern society. 2nd edition: research
articles, B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California. 2014. 164 pp.
Moral potential of the society: reproduction preservation and intensification issues. 2nd edition: research articles, B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California. 2015. 120 pp.
Intellectual and moral values of the modern society: research articles, B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California. 2013. 193 pp.
Moral potential of the society: reproduction preservation and intensification issues: research articles, B&M Publishing, San
Francisco, California. 2013. 194 pp.
New approaches in education: research articles, B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California. 2013. 116 pp.
A person in the modern world: research articles, B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California. 2013. 118 pp.
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